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Wolf Fic Recs "Bring Me to Life" by RachelxMichelle

Good morning fandom! Welcome to another week of Wolf Fic Recs! I am super excited about this week's Rec because I think this fic is a wonderful Jake and Bella fic. It is called Bring Me to Life by RachelxMichelle. It was written for a contest called “After Your Heart Stops Beating.”

It doesn't take Doctor Cullen to deduce that this fic, based on the name of the contest it was written for, deals with exactly what is sounds like. It's a fic where Bella is dead, already vamped out.

But what happens?

Edward continues his nasty controlling ways, pushing Bella to the end of her rope. So, she leaves. She does not know where she should go, but she goes home, to Forks, where upon arriving in the familiar meadow she encounters Jacob, in wolf form. She is shocked, thinking that he would no longer be shifting since the vampires were gone.

They have not seen each other in five years, and at first it is like no time has passed. Then, they argue (Of course they do, right?) and Jake storms off in a rage.

It is right then she realizes that it was Jake all along. She realizes how blind she was, and how stupid she was (Duh). She realizes everything.

Does he come back?

I guess you'll have to read the rest to find out. Can they really love each other after so much has happened? Will Jake accept her for her new self?

Go check it out! Leave her some love, because I think this story is a gem!

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