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Slash Fic Recs: "Firelight" by vampireisthenewblack

Sooooo.... I promised you femmeslash. Yeah. My bad.
But I couldn’t help it! I read this fic, and Holy Hell! It was so good, and so perfect, that I had to rec it. Also, it’s set at Christmas, so I really didn’t want to get any further from Christmas than we are now.

So. Take this:

And add this:

Then add a dash of this:

A splash of this:

And, oh yeah, I almost forgot... how about some of this?

Mix them all together, and you get one hot fic. It’s:

Yes, I am recommending two stories by the same author, two weeks in a row. What can I say, she's that good!

This story is amazing. It's Carlisle/Edward (yeah, yeah, I know you saw the picture at the top... call me Captain Obvious), and it's so well written. It is a team vamp story, and I think it's as close to canon as a slash fic can get. Of course we can't say that Carlisle/Edward is canon, but who's two say nothing ever happened? There are a lot of blank years, my friends, a lot of blank years. And if you're one of those people who are afraid of teh buttsex, this one is buttsex-free! I love me some frot.

Until next week, my lovelies!

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3 Responses to “Slash Fic Recs: "Firelight" by vampireisthenewblack”

  1. (gasp) No girl lovin'? I'm hurt!

  2. Girlnorth says:

    I sorry, baby. *pouts* Still love me?

  3. vamp says:

    *Dies* Two in a row? *dies again* Where do I send the gift basket?

    Thank you so much for the rec :D

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