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Completed Fic Recs

This week’s recommendation contains SPOILERS if you don’t want me to ruin some of the surprises, go read it first, then come back so we can chat about it!

Taken! By: MistressGemGem

 Summary: Bella Swan falls victim to kidnapping by vampires. But, what could they possibly want with her? And who is The Major? A/U, rated for strong language, dark themes, lemons and mind violence.
When I first read the summary for this oneshot, I thought it was going to be another recount of the usual suspects for our villains, and since this is a Jasper/Bella pairing, I figured The Major would be the one to rescue the damsel in distress. As always, it would seem I was sorely mistaken.

MistressGemGem starts us off right away with confusion and mystery; there is no preamble with the how’s and why’s. It begins with Bella waking up with a head wound and on a cold cement floor. As she discovers her surroundings, she recounts how she came to be in such a distressing situation.

I remembered the long black limo pulling up in front of me. I remembered swallowing down the fear that overtook my body as a monstrously large man opened the door and exited the car. His face was hidden with a dark hood and his body seemed impossibly larger by the billowing red cape.

Danger, Will Robinson!

Danger, indeed. As Bella tries to fight her captors, an identity is revealed and we also learn how seriously deadly things could get.

"Emmett, you know he will be pissed if you have her. She is on the list, she stays alive... for now." I turned my head to look in the direction of the voice, but as I did, my head began to spin and everything went black.

I have to admit, until the point where Emmett’s name is spoken, I was convinced it was the Volturi that were behind the kidnapping. MistressGemGem left details vague enough that my imagination just automatically filled in the blanks and assumed the generic large man to be Felix, which I am sure she did on purpose. In my mind, he fit the description offered, and by nature, he is a bad guy of sorts. Now if I remember correctly, in the series Bella does compare Felix’s stature to be similar to Emmett’s so I suppose I wasn’t totally out in left field with my guess, even if I was still wrong.

In any event, it is Emmett who has captured Bella. Once my shock wore off, and I re-read to make sure I didn’t miss any clues, I felt it was safe to assume some other Cullens would be included as well.

Back to Bella…the poor dear, terribly frightened and rightfully so. I’d be freaked out too if I woke up somewhere unfamiliar to learn it’s a prison cell and then be told to get dressed in only a pair of black panties. Moving only out of fear, Bella does as instructed and is quickly blindfolded and ushered to what Emmett called “The Show”.

During the so-called show, Bella seems to pass some test and is chosen by a man with a voice she describes as deep, smooth, southern and sexy. She is then moved to another room. It is here she learns from Emmett and another red-eyed vampire that she has been chosen to be a pet for The Major. Emmett also informs Bella of The Major’s history with his pets.

"What is the longest time he has kept a pet?" I needed to know just how long my suffering would last.
"Two hours," Emmett shrugged.

Exciting, isn’t it? It’s for that reason, I will go no further in my recount of this oneshot. I feel I cannot do it justice by merely summarizing what is next in store for Bella. Besides, it’s only fair that I leave you with some surprises after the spoiler of who kidnapped Bella. I will say this, the uncertainty of what will happen to Bella gives the entire storyline an edge, which is only heightened with the lemon and the D/S themes.

If you aren’t interested in the darker kind of lemons, which by the way is juicy in all its intimidation and fuelled by Bella’s fear, then at least read it to see if she makes it out alive!

And to add in some more confusion, take a closer look at the banner made for this oneshot. The images may have you thinking one thing but the story will tell you another. “Taken!” had me on the edge of my chair squirming with a desperation to find out what happened next and I’m sure it will do the same for you. Go read and leave some love in the form of a review because MistressGemGem definitely deserves it!

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