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Banner Banter with Cullen818

Okay, so I'm back and as promised, this week's theme is ...


In my search for good quality slash banners, I came across several really hot fics, but not too many banners. I found two that did it for me.

I haven't read this fic yet, but I must admit, this summary intrigued me and since J/E are my second fave pairing, I'll be giving it a whirl. As far as the banner, I couldn't resist Edward's eyes in this one, and his jaw just looks so kissable! Yes, sometimes I can be a little shallow, but it's my segment! lol

Since by MizzHyde

Edward and Bella have been blissfully happy for years.  He's a one-woman man.
When Jasper, Rosalie's beautiful brother, arrives from the US for her wedding, will he realise there's room for one man in his life, too?

Banner Credit -Mehek18 at


This one is just THUD worthy IMO!  Edward's mesmerizing eyes and Jasper's pouty lips. I want more...


Summary -
'The way he looks at me makes me feel... uncomfortable.' Jasper's girlfriend's brother, Edward, keeps staring at him. Why? Who knows. Seems like even Edward is confused...
Jasper/Edward SLASH
All Human.

Banner Credit - FrozenSoldier from

Next time, I think I'll search for BDSM or D/s banners. If you know of any, please link the story in the comment section of this post.

Only rule...the story must be posted on

Thanks Hammerhips for making me yet another segment banner!

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