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Slash Fic Recs: "Scintillating Pattern" by Whitlock-Masen

Do you think of the actors who play the characters in the Twi movies when you read fanfic? Do the images you hold of characters change for you as they appear in the films? For me, it really depends. This will always and forever be my Edward (world without end, amen):

But Bella is really hit and miss for me. Sometimes it's KStew, but usually not. There isn't an actress I picture, I just have a clear picture in my head of what Bella looks like. The instances I do think of KStew are in fics that are clearly written with her in mind, where the character is actually more like her than like Bella. JBone (whom I adore) is often Jasper when I read fic, but not always. I mean, I've seen him in person, and the dude is short. So if Jasper is specifically written as tall, Jax disappears.

I digress.

The reason I bring this up is that the fic I am (very enthusiastically) recommending today features Garrett, and my Garrett has for a long time looked like this:

But in BD, he will look like this:

I have to say, I'm finding myself adjusting the image quite nicely. I don't feel that I have to adjust the image, I just think Lee Pace is frickin' gorgeous, and I think he'll do a great job as Garrett. What do you think?

Annnnyyyyway, on to today's rec.

Scintillating Pattern by Whitlock-Masen

Yes, this is the second week in a row I'm reccing a fic by these uber-talented ladies. What can I say? I was looking around the site for a fic with a non-Jasper/Edward pairing, and was intrigued by the idea of Edward/Garrett (because, really, see above... teh pretteh!)

This fic is, however, about more than the pretty poyborn. It's actually kinda heartwrenching to read, in the very best way. Yes, a slash one-shot, with angst! Not just fucking! Wow! I kid, I kid, they're not that rare. In fact, my first rec of a Naelany fic (one half of Whitlock-Masen) was for Serendipity, which had all kinds of lovely heartfail. Don't let the idea of angst scare you away, though, because this fic is also very sweet, and very, very hot.

I really, really love this Edward, all nerdy and cute. He's insecure, and still becoming comfortable in his sexuality, and I just want to wrap him up, put him in my pocket, and feed him Smarties (not American Smarties [aka Rockets in Canada], Canadian/British Smarties, the candy-coated chocolate, better than M&Ms kind).

Jasper and Alice make awesome appearances in this fic, as does Jake (heh) and a few other familiar faces. And then there's Garrett. *sighs*

Garrett is too cool for school, Mr. Everything. At least that's the way Edward sees him. Edward falls for him the minute he sees Garrett, and just keeps building him up from there. But it's hard to live on a pedestal, even if you don't know you're on it. It colours the way every action is construed, or misconstrued.

These lovely ladies have packed a lot of story into just under 13000 words (one chapter), and I found myself wishing it were longer. Not because it was missing anything, it wasn't. I just wasn't ready to let these two go.

Gorgeous story.

Until next week, lovelies!

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3 Responses to “Slash Fic Recs: "Scintillating Pattern" by Whitlock-Masen”

  1. Wow, what a fantastic rec! I'm so glad you enjoyed the one-shot - I wasn't really ready to let them go either. Thank you for the kind words!

  2. Unknown says:

    Thanks for the awesome rec :-)

  3. Girlnorth says:

    And thank you girls for adding so much great slash to the archive!

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