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The Pimps review Domward by dangerkitty, Part Two

GemmaLisax: BACK
lets get our rec on, baby cakes!

THEChickNorris: Okie Dokie.

GemmaLisax: :D

THEChickNorris: Ok. I just need to clarify....we ARE rec'ing a story that we just did, but ONLY because it was unexpectedly continued!

GemmaLisax: <nodslots>
yes, we've been here before...but it's being added to....and it's awesome

THEChickNorris: It really is.

GemmaLisax: so, we figured that it deserves that second pimp to get it out there!!!

THEChickNorris: I have it on good authority that this won't be the last we hear from this story either.

GemmaLisax: <grins> Yup...a series of O/S's all relating to the first one
be it prequels or sequels
its a fuckton of brilliantly written hot,,,quels

THEChickNorris: Well, I was excited to hear that we'd get more of this story.
And I like the idea that they're not going to necessarily be in chronological order.

GemmaLisax: yep, me too
it's a set of glimpses into Domward's world
and its niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

THEChickNorris: It's a more accurate way of story leads to another...and so on.
And yes, this new o/s is just as fantastic as the first.

GemmaLisax: Yeppers, dangerkitty carries on her stellar writing skills to give us the story behind Edward and Her meeting in the first place.

THEChickNorris: Oh shit!
We forgot...
Yeah, we're totally rec'ing Domward by Dangerkitty.

GemmaLisax: LMAO
Silly us
yep...that fantastic o/s is now a two shot and has many shots to come

THEChickNorris: In my defense, I'm porn surfing while we're doing this rec. I was distracted.

GemmaLisax: <points to Chick> She's totally addicted to porn

THEChickNorris: <shrugs>

GemmaLisax: <grins>
gotta love you, wifey
so...the second chapter gives us their first meeting

THEChickNorris: It does...and it's NOT what I expected at all, but it fits, and it's just...right.
OMG...I was PMSL at the very ending.
That made no sense.

GemmaLisax: <snickers>

THEChickNorris: The end made me laugh.

GemmaLisax: <pats you on the head> I got you
I think my fave bit was when he tells her to put her arse in the air for him
<grins> gotta love that order

THEChickNorris: <eyes glaze over>
I was facinated by the very first glimpse we get of HER.

GemmaLisax: You know <nudges you> I love how DK gets the personalities of the characters across so effectively
yeah, that's true. Me too.

THEChickNorris: Ooh, can we steal from Harry Potter and call her "she who must not be named?"

GemmaLisax: <snorts> Sure

THEChickNorris: Cause I see that dangerkitty only has 10 reviews <glares at the readers> so that means that folks haven't necessarily read the first bit yet.

GemmaLisax: <nods> Yes...and it's ludicrous that it only has 10 reviews. This story should be soaring with the lurve

THEChickNorris: I KNOW that folks aren't reading and not leaving love!
Seriously, I have a real problem with Edward on a whole, and if I'm reading and loving this incarnation of him, then I think that 99% of you will too.
I'd say 100%, but there's one in every me, I'm usually the 1.
But seriously, this continuation is so super hot that I totally want to re-inact it.

GemmaLisax: Fuck, yeah, that's true. Chick can't stand edward...I use her as my Edward-o-meter
<grins> huh...yeah...that would be very nice
oh, the possibilities

THEChickNorris: It's a fuck hot continuation, that is sort of a prequel that really gives us insight into how these two got started.

GemmaLisax: It does. And I am really looking forward to what's to come. Pun totally intended there

THEChickNorris: Yeah, me too.

GemmaLisax: the next few should be really interesting as well as hot as all hell
its a series that I will be making sure to keep a very close eye on

THEChickNorris: I'm totally planning on riding dangerkitty's ass for more.
<shifty eyes>
Did I just say that out loud?

GemmaLisax: Oooh, me too. Shall we double team her?
Yeah, sweetie, you did

THEChickNorris: Threesome? HELL YEAH! <digs through the treasure chest for goodies>

GemmaLisax: <bounces around TwiWriteHQ>

THEChickNorris: Note to dangerkitty: Brace yourself

GemmaLisax: Do you think she'll bring Domward?
hee hee

THEChickNorris: <still rummaging through the treasure chest> Don't know, I'm still riding her ass.

GemmaLisax: <ponders the possibilities>
maybe we could help her with some inspiration/

THEChickNorris: <perks up> Good idea wifey.

GemmaLisax: <shrugs> I have my moments

THEChickNorris: <composes a note to dangerkitty>

Dear dangerkitty, We're coming for you. Get to writing more. Won't stop us, but might inspire us. Much gropage, The Pimps

GemmaLisax: Nice....straight and to the point

THEChickNorris: <nods> I don't see the point in hinting around.
<gives the readers my signature Chick look> GO READ THIS...ALL OF IT.

GemmaLisax: um...I'd listen to her if I were you
And review...or we'll be coming after YOU
and not in a good way

THEChickNorris: Wifey?

GemmaLisax: Yes, Wifey?

THEChickNorris: We need to go work out some logistics for this ass riding that's gonna be happening.

GemmaLisax: <mafianods>
I think distraction and then POUNCE would be a good move

THEChickNorris: Domward by dangerkitty <=Go read all of it, and leave it some love. Wifey and I have...things to plan.

GemmaLisax: <drags Chick outta the room>

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