I'd Hit That Banners by HammerHips
For this week's banner, I found an amazing story by Stitchcat, and she allowed me to fuck with her vision by making her a fuckawesome banner! Now, the story is The Sparkling Meteor, and this banner was right up my alley when I discovered the main character so far is Edward's sparkly peen! So, I made an extra special sparklepeen as the focal point, and threw some other not so important stuff around it. After all, who wouldn't want to read a fic about PEEN!!! Exactly, that's what I thought!
Anyhoo, here's the banner I came up with! I hope you like it as much as Stitchcat did!
You have to admit, it definitely catches your eye! So, until next time, if you have a story that needs a speshul banner created by yours truly, make sure to contact me! I'll make you a banner so awesome that people will say, "I'd Hit That".
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I'd Hit That Banners With HammerHips