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The Pimps Rec 'The Hunt' by Alby Mangroves

THEChickNorris: Hey wifey.
 GemmaLisaX: Hey there, Sugar tits
 THEChickNorris: HOLY MOLY!!! Can you say hot stuff?
 GemmaLisaX: one thing to say...
 Must be wearing shamwow knickers while reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 THEChickNorris: Yes.
 GemmaLisaX: I think that this is one of the most beautifully descriptive lemons that I have ever read
 THEChickNorris: You know we can't tell the end.
 GemmaLisaX: no...definitely not!
 Can't give that away
 THEChickNorris: But yes, fuckawesome lemon.
 GemmaLisaX: you all HAVE to go read this to find that out
 THEChickNorris: and you know that I KNOW good lemons.
 GemmaLisaX: <nodslots>
 THEChickNorris: I am a lemon junkie.
 GemmaLisaX: (porn h00r)
 THEChickNorris: This has got to be one of the most descriptive lemons I've ever read.
  <shifty eyes at your comment>
 GemmaLisaX: The imagery was phenomenal
 THEChickNorris: It's a slow burn. Which I'm a HUGE fan of.
 GemmaLisaX: Yes!
THEChickNorris: And, I must say...not knowing WHO, only makes it hotter.
 GemmaLisaX: it built and built and built and built and...oh my fuck...and then just exploded and then built and built and built and....W O W
 THEChickNorris: Yeah.
 GemmaLisaX: YES! I have to agree with that...totally, I loved the mystery of the whole thing
 THEChickNorris: I did too.
  It was the mystery of the whole thing, combined with the descriptive language that really set this two-shot apart. It's a lemon, but it's not smutty at all.
 GemmaLisaX: I would recommend sitting on a towel...even if you're wearing the shamwows
 No, not in the slightest. It’s classy and elegant, even when it’s primal in its intensity
 THEChickNorris: I mean, I love smut as much as anyone else....but there is something to be said for a lemon like this.
 GemmaLisaX: Yes, this is by far up and above a normal lemon
  With this, you feel everything
  And you just cannot stop reading!
  Its two chapters
  The first being His POV and the second Hers
  And I love that
 THEChickNorris: And it's absolutely PERFECT in its length.
 GemmaLisaX: <sniggers> yes...the length is apparently perfect
 THEChickNorris: " Vaguely, my mind registered her shuddering moan as my hands turned into claws and dug themselves into her exquisite flesh."
 I mean....DAMN.
 GemmaLisaX: <drools and shudders>
 There are so many quotes out of this that I would end up c&p'ing the whole damn thing onto here
 THEChickNorris: <smacks your ass to snap you out of it>
 GemmaLisaX: <jumps and squeals>
  Do it again
  <waggles my arse>
 THEChickNorris: <winks> Later hot stuff.
 GemmaLisaX: <pouts>
 THEChickNorris: SEE what this fic does to you?????
  That's why everyone should read it.
 GemmaLisaX: exactly! I would not usually be thinking about sex
 THEChickNorris: Then go get some.
 GemmaLisaX: <shifty eyes>
 THEChickNorris: Sure you wouldn't.
 GemmaLisaX: lmao
  I'm a good girl I am
 THEChickNorris: I tell ya...this REALLY should get a booty call alert.
  We should talk to Izzy about adding that.
 GemmaLisaX: <agrees>
  No arguments from me on that one
  This story should be on everyone’s favourites list
 THEChickNorris: The Hunt by Alby Mangroves is one of the HOTTEST stories out there.
  I noticed it didn't have ANY reviews...
 GemmaLisaX: Which is such a crime
 THEChickNorris: I hope this is because folks got....distracted after reading it.
 GemmaLisaX: LOL!! Me too
 THEChickNorris: This story deserves MUCH love.
 GemmaLisaX: Yes ma'am
 THEChickNorris: Then get your groove on.
 GemmaLisaX: PMSL
 THEChickNorris: Then come back and leave some love.
  <looks serious>
  I am not joking.
 GemmaLisaX: She really isn't
 You do NOT want her going all Chick Norris on your ass
 GemmaLisaX: <whoopah!>
THEChickNorris: When I first started reading it, I'll admit, I rolled my eyes a little because it was so descriptive and I'm more of a "plain talker".
 THEChickNorris: But it sucked me in.
 GemmaLisaX: <sniggers at sucked>
 THEChickNorris: Seriously, I think the Mini-Chicks ran around in the snow nekkid while I finished reading it.
  <shifty eyes> That's ok, right?
 GemmaLisaX: Yeah <waves hand> that’s fiiiine
  They're ok, right?
 THEChickNorris: Well, <shrugs> they're still here raisin hell, so I think they're fine.
  But this fic is JUST. THAT. GOOD.
 Now, unless wifey has anything more to add, Imma drag her off and hump her senseless.
 GemmaLisaX: <takes a running leap and lands straddling your lap>
  I'm good
 THEChickNorris: Go Read it......We'll be busy till next week, but we'll see ya then.
 GemmaLisaX: uh huh...what she said
 THEChickNorris: <gropes you inappropriately as I slam the door>

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One Response to “The Pimps Rec 'The Hunt' by Alby Mangroves”

  1. alby says:

    I've just found this, and I have no words! I love that you're recommending sitting on a towel to read it! brb, LOLing

    Thanks to you both for your most flattering attention to this little two-shot, and for making my evening reading your silliness. I'm so glad you liked the story! Cheers, AM

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