Happy Sunday. Hopefully it's not snowing too much in your part of the world. I feel like that's all it does here in drab old NJ! I hope that little groundhog does what its supposed to do and spring gets here sooner rather than later!
Here we are with a special edition of Banner Banter, and today I was feeling kinda dark. So, we'll be talking about banners that feature the best use of a sexy, demented vampire.
Just Bite Me...
First up, we have a delicious image of Edward. He just looks so chilling...
I think its the way he's looking at Jasper and Bella. Looks to me like the Major might have some competition heading his way!
It was her, who stole my heart. She was not mine, but I took her anyway. Not intentionally seeking nor wanting her love, but when it was given to me, I could not deny it. I could not deny her. Yes, I grew to love my hate, and my hate nearly destroyed my love.
Two powerful vampire families have been at war for centuries. When Carlisle Cullen discovers Charlie Swan's darkest secret, he sends his son to take it. Little does Edward know, Charlie's secret just might destroy him when instead it steals his cold, black heart.
Banner credit - MistressGemGem
And, then there's Carlisle. Perhaps the most fierce vamp when he really lets loose!
Hmm...Carlisle as the Alpha! Doesn't he look all take charge sitting there waiting for me, umm, Bella?
After being attacked at her birthday party, Bella learns that her blood 'sings' to Carlisle. When their mate-bond is revealed and she learns how severely repressed his vampiric nature was, she must help him become the vampire he was meant to be with the gift of her love and her blood.
Banner credit - GinaJas
And, really, I'd be remiss if I left out this haunting specimen of a vamp/man.
Look at those lips (Jasper's, not the girls!). If I saw those lips coming toward me, I'd forget all about those unusually red eyes!
Jasper Whitlock had been firm in his beliefs that was until a young temptress walked into his life and showed him the Temptation of Sin.
And, then there's this one. No modifications made, but then again, none needed. He just looks like he's dangerous!
He left, I broke down. He came back, it got worse. What was just ruined was now completely destroyed.See you all on Thursday!