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The Pimps review Belonging by forthelongestday

GemmaLisax: we have time
go drink some coffee

THEChickNorris: I'm making it now.
let me grab a cup and we can DO THIS! Yeah! <does the man-huddle clap thing>

GemmaLisax: <wonders what the fuck a man-huddle clap thing is and smiles sweetly>

THEChickNorris: I'm baaaaaack!!

GemmaLisax: Hey there, Wifey <grins>

THEChickNorris: Hey! You ready to do it? <snickers>

GemmaLisax: <strips> bring it on
<redresses> actually, just let me put my squirming child down for a nap

THEChickNorris: <chuckles> It's ok.

GemmaLisax: ok

THEChickNorris: YAY!!!

GemmaLisax: and they're BOTH in bed

THEChickNorris: Rec time? Oooh, nice one!

GemmaLisax: and yes, I did just do the 'win' with an operatic song like flourish
Yeppers...let's get our rec on
I have been REALLY looking forward to this one

THEChickNorris: Belonging by forthelongestday <===HOLY SHIT SHE'S DONE IT AGAIN!!!
She's written ANOTHER beautiful and captivating and entirely unique story for us.
Well, in my mind, she writes them for me and I share...

GemmaLisax: LMAO
that's my thinking too

THEChickNorris: This story is SO FUCKING GOOD.

GemmaLisax: I found it a refreshing and insightful look into the beginnings of vampire life and the goings on in Maria's camp

THEChickNorris: Yes. Very much so. I was SOOOOO impressed with it. I just love it. I had to FORCE myself to read it incrementally so that I wouldn't forget about real life things like eating, or taking care of the Mini-Chicks. It's that fucking good. I STRUGGLED to not just inhale the entire thing in one sitting.

GemmaLisax: <shifty eyes> I may have told the kids that they could do whatever they wanted if they just left mummy alone so I could read it
That also included bribing with ice cream
and chocolate
and, weirdly enough, cereal

THEChickNorris: <laughs LOUD>
Well worth it.

GemmaLisax: Totally <nodslots>

THEChickNorris: As always, forthlongestday has given us characters that we know and love, and shown us a TOTALLY different side to them.

GemmaLisax: She's made them real

THEChickNorris: <whispers> It's Peter and Charlotte.
with a side dish of Jasper.

GemmaLisax: I do so enjoy the side dish, I have to say. Jasper is at his darkest in this fic, even if he's only in the background
and Peter and Charlotte are so vivid, it's beautiful

THEChickNorris: Yes he is. Yes they are, Yes it is.

GemmaLisax: in a terrifying, blood bath and carnage filled kinda way

THEChickNorris: Yes. BUT it is so very much a love story.

GemmaLisax: <nods> it sure is.
and it isn't fluffy either.
at all.

THEChickNorris: No, it's not.

GemmaLisax: Peter is....well, Peter is raw

THEChickNorris: <eyes glaze over> Uh-huh...

GemmaLisax: LMAO

THEChickNorris: Seriously. You KNOW how I feel about a "take charge man in uniform"

GemmaLisax: True...and its so subtle
He doesn't take shit
and walks the dangerous line of protecting Char as much as he can and not letting it be known that they're mates

THEChickNorris: He's so...lost? Is that it?

GemmaLisax: Yes, that's the perfect word for him
and even more so since he found Charlotte...even though he finds himself more so in her

THEChickNorris: OOOOOH! <bounces around> Can I do a quote now?

GemmaLisax: PMSL
go for it

THEChickNorris: "I never claimed to love you," Peter said after a moment, using that quieter voice of his that made him sound a little kind, and made me feel a little fuzzy, "but I do like you, and I need you to...I just need you."

GemmaLisax: He's like a lost little boy in that moment.
Such a strong character, rendered dumbfounded by finding his other half

THEChickNorris: He is. It's so poignant.

GemmaLisax: Yes
makes your heart squeeze

THEChickNorris: As is the whole fuckin story.

GemmaLisax: Oh god yes
She manages to make you feel for Peter, even though he's a ruthless bastard

THEChickNorris: YES!

GemmaLisax: And Charlotte is just amazing to read about
Her struggles, confusion
the conflicting emotions
her learning about her new life
trying to find her way through it
trying to survive

THEChickNorris: Oooh, can I do another quote? <whispers> and give them a taste of Jasper.

GemmaLisax: Yes yes yes!!!

THEChickNorris: "This is a bad idea. We shouldn't assume they are all so disposable." I angled my head just a tiny bit to the left at Peter's words. I was convinced they were talking about me, and I worried about what that could mean.

Curiosity. Passion. Rage. Betrayal. Curiosity.

Jasper sent them all out in short bursts, and Peter growled lowly in response.

"I'm just giving you my opinion, Major," Peter snarled, and half a second later Jasper came storming out of Peter's room, shock and anger heavy in his wake. His eyes swept the compound once before zeroing in on me and that one look of his sent shudders down my spine. It was positively intrusive, this stare of his, and fear ran cold through my veins long after Jasper turned away and headed toward the ominous building at the head of the camp.

GemmaLisax: Yeah....Jasper doesn't speak
He doesn't need to
Him and Peter have their own communication

THEChickNorris: No, he's still scary as shit without speaking...maybe even more so because of not speaking.

GemmaLisax: Yes. That quiet before the storm.
Barely contained rage and power just waiting to be unleashed
and he doesn't mess about when that happens

THEChickNorris: Holy crap, I hope everyone reads this.

GemmaLisax: Everyone should.
Its not an experience to be missed
its a truly amazing piece of writing

THEChickNorris: No, it's not. It's so fantastic.

GemmaLisax: and it’s only going to get better

THEChickNorris: I swear, if I ever have the pleasure of meeting forthelongestday in person, she should be warned....I WILL be humping her.

GemmaLisax: LOL!
I completely understand
She's one to put on your list of fave authors and then pray that she updates and comes up with another story

THEChickNorris: It will be a completely uncontrollable reaction to her fabulousness.

GemmaLisax: Uncontrollable Humping Disorder
brought about by the brilliance of writing and story telling

THEChickNorris: <nods> Yes.
Seriously. This story is just...amazing. If you even halfway liked her last story then this one will blow you away. It's got her signature originality, the subtle depth to the characters that she always brings to the table, and an amount of insight that makes me wonder if she was somehow really there.

GemmaLisax: that is so well put!
The way her mind just delves into that world, that situation...she has it done down to a T
its perfect

THEChickNorris: That it is.
I can't ever say enough wonderful things about her writing. She is an absolutely brilliant writer.

GemmaLisax: Its one of those fics that you can't believe is simply fanfiction.
she should be published, we should be racing to buy her work
she has a real gift for spinning a tale
This isn't just a drop everything to read fic...its a stalk for updates kinda fic

THEChickNorris: <shifty eyes> I wouldn't do that.
<double checks the expiration date on the restraining order> Well, not for 3 more months anyways...

GemmaLisax: <dies laughing>

THEChickNorris: Well, I tend to get a little...entheusatic...when I really like something. And if there's ANYTHING worth having a restraining order filed against you, it's her stories.
Belonging by forthelongestday....go read it. Leave her love.

GemmaLisax: lots and lots of love

THEChickNorris: and LOTS.

GemmaLisax: and don't stalk her...that's our job

THEChickNorris: YEAH!!!
Don't be putting me out of work!

GemmaLisax: LMAO!
We'd fight them off, Wifey
no worries
<cracks knuckles>

THEChickNorris: <nods and gives the Chick Norris scary ass run for your life face>

GemmaLisax: <licks the Chick Norris scary ass run for your life face>

THEChickNorris: Hmmmm, that's my cue. Y'all go read, I'm dragging off the wifey.

GemmaLisax: <grins wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide>

THEChickNorris: Read, leave love, and come back next week for another rec. <grabs the wifey and bolts>

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