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The Pimps review Domward by dangerkitty

THEChickNorris: back

GemmaLisax: Hey there

THEChickNorris: Let's get our rec on.

GemmaLisax: <nods>

THEChickNorris: Domward by dangerkitty

GemmaLisax: Yeppers
 and YOU picked it
 you LIKED it!!!!!

THEChickNorris: I really liked it.

GemmaLisax: <jumps around, happy dancing and shaking my arse>
 <back flips all over the blog>

THEChickNorris: I actually PICKED it.

GemmaLisax: <nodslots>
 You did
 I was in shock, I tell you...shock!!

THEChickNorris: BUT, it's not book Edward.

GemmaLisax: <rolls eyes>
 its still Edward

THEChickNorris: A very different Edward.

 its still Edward

THEChickNorris: Babe, folks KNOW he's a different Edward...I liked the story.

GemmaLisax: and he wasn't all that different...just a little more...'spread em and take it'
 and you liked Edward

THEChickNorris: In this story, yes.
It's a unique pairing.

GemmaLisax: <smirks>
 that it is

THEChickNorris: You are entirely too giddy about this.

GemmaLisax: and you still liked Edward...don't care what the story is.
I am made up about this!

THEChickNorris: I did.

GemmaLisax: I didn't spend ages RT'ing and bigging this developTHEChickNorrisnt out to twitter for nothing, you know

THEChickNorris: The name on this one, really gives you all of the summary you need for this story.

GemmaLisax: Yeah, lol

THEChickNorris: It's Domward...pure and simple.

GemmaLisax: it's about fluffy bunnies and creamcakes
 <still happy dancing>

THEChickNorris: I like that it's not ALL just dominant Edward though. Dangerkitty gives us a taste of the "why" behind it.

GemmaLisax: yeah
 that’s important too
 <now happy dances thinking about Domward...hmm, I need me some chains>

THEChickNorris: You know, I think EdwardsChipper fell out of a chair when I said I read an Edward story and liked it.

GemmaLisax: I was dying for her to be on the TL when you said it!!
 <pouts at missing that>
 but this is a very good Edward
 and a very nice little O/S
 and a very cool surprise nestled in there
 and very hot

THEChickNorris: It is. He's well thought out, and his motivations are well explained.

GemmaLisax: and YOU LIKED EDWARD

THEChickNorris: <sighs> Yes. I did.

GemmaLisax: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 <chicken dances all over the place>

THEChickNorris: I will be sending flowers to Dangerkitty later.

GemmaLisax: LMAO!!
 I think we should commission her for more o/s's like this one

THEChickNorris: And maybe contacting the Pope to report the miracle.

GemmaLisax: the Pope might have a heart attack over you seeing the light

THEChickNorris: Yes, I for one would LOVE to see more O/Ss like this from her.
 It's just a little glimpse into the Who...but it's just enough.

GemmaLisax: <giddy> it was awesome

THEChickNorris: It really was.

GemmaLisax: I'm still squealing over it

THEChickNorris: <rolls eyes>

GemmaLisax: and not just the fact that you liked Edward

THEChickNorris: I think you're squealing 'cause you know I liked Edward.

GemmaLisax: SHE SAID IT
I was squealing because of a lot of things

THEChickNorris: Seriously...MAJOR accomplishment for dangerkitty to have written an Edward that I would willingly read of my own free will.

GemmaLisax: I KNOW! I'm jealous <pouts>
 And rather in awe, to be honest
Super DangerKitty...powers of bringing peeps over to the Edside.

THEChickNorris: Hold on just a second.
 I have NOT crossed over to the Edside.
 You KNOW who my TwiMan is.

GemmaLisax: <hides>

THEChickNorris: <nods> Vladimir. Correct.

GemmaLisax: or rather...Ben Barnes as Vlad

THEChickNorris: HOWEVER...I really liked this Edward.

GemmaLisax: you should put that pic in here
 just to drool over

THEChickNorris: No, I'll just get...distracted.

GemmaLisax: and yes...this Edward was very good.
 you should read more of them...there are A LOT of good Edward's out there.

THEChickNorris: <rolls eyes>

GemmaLisax: there is!
 <stomps foot>

THEChickNorris: Domward by dangerkitty is a REALLLY good O/S that shows us a very different side of "book Edward".

GemmaLisax: She does write a good Edward...and its a Darkward.
 a juicy Darkward

THEChickNorris: Most definately.

GemmaLisax: a juicy, dominant Darkward

THEChickNorris: And I <sings out> LOOOOOOVE the pairing.
 Which I will not give away.

GemmaLisax: When I read it...I was, 'Oh fuck...Chick's gonna luuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrve this!!!!'

THEChickNorris: Yup.
 And Chick did love this.

GemmaLisax: wonders why Chick is talking in 3rdPOV

THEChickNorris: I never thought that I'd be telling folks to get off their ass and read an Edward fic.

GemmaLisax: That's because you have previously been deluded

THEChickNorris: You are just going to make me growly.

GemmaLisax: I like you growly
and if its bad growly...then i'll make it good growly
 cause I can...<licks my lips>

THEChickNorris: I know you can...let's wrap up the rec, and you can make it whatever you want.

GemmaLisax: <nods> I think I can handle that.

THEChickNorris: but?

GemmaLisax: GO READ IT
 I just like the word

THEChickNorris: Oh HELL yeah!

GemmaLisax: butt

THEChickNorris: <gives you a look>
 back on track.

GemmaLisax: <sniggers> I may have had too much caffine.
 sorry, ma'am

THEChickNorris: fuck, I need some coffee.
Mmmmm, I like it when you call me ma'am.

GemmaLisax: rawr

 It fuckin rocks.

GemmaLisax: and...CHICK LIKES EDWARD

THEChickNorris: It gets the Chick Norris stamp of approval.
Shit. I forgot to put that in my review of it.

GemmaLisax: well, then I may have to tie you to the wall and take my flogger to you
 <looks stern and sexah like>

THEChickNorris: <raises an eyebrow> Is that supposed to be a punishment?

GemmaLisax: <looks confused> No.
 It just gives me an excuse to do it.

THEChickNorris: Oh, ok.

GemmaLisax: OH! Just remembered something.

THEChickNorris: what's that?


THEChickNorris: really?

GemmaLisax: really

THEChickNorris: I mean, I think they should go read it too, but "fuck a doodle do"?

GemmaLisax: well...not really, but it had nothing to do with this rec, and you know how I like to stay on track with these things.
 I like fuck a doodle do

THEChickNorris: <rolls eyes> Yes dear.

GemmaLisax: :D

THEChickNorris: Great O/S. Go read it.

GemmaLisax: o:-) <--- see my halo?

THEChickNorris: Domeward by dangerkitty

GemmaLisax: and do what she says
 or she'll come after you
 and not in the good way
 <sniggers...I said come>

THEChickNorris: I think I spelled it wrong just now

GemmaLisax: yeah, you did

THEChickNorris: Domward by dangerkitty
Sorry, I'm all fluster with visions of whips and cuffs dancing in my head.

GemmaLisax: and Edawrd

THEChickNorris: flustered...see, I've lost my mastery of the English language.

GemmaLisax: you're

THEChickNorris: <smirks> Actually, I was thinking of another little Gem in my scenario.

GemmaLisax: little gem?
 <leans forward>

THEChickNorris: <nods>
Seriously folks, fuckawesome one shot...go read it now.
 I'm ready to drag off the wifey.

GemmaLisax: <wifey is ready to be dragged off>

THEChickNorris: Till next week then.

GemmaLisax: <nods grabbing at your hands>

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One Response to “The Pimps review Domward by dangerkitty”

  1. Jazzella says:

    I beta'd this one for my wifey. I TOLD her it was fuckawesome. Maybe now she'll believe me :P

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