Werewolf in Outer Space by MegaraMegumi
Yeah, I'm doing it; recommending one of my own works. Really, I'm doing it because I am currently busy student teaching in my last semester of college and I am on my half days, and in a week I start full days. I have very little time to myself, so please forgive me! :)
Werewolf in Outer Space. Originally this was a working title; however, a better one never came along, so it stayed. It's set in the future on a terra-formed planet far from Earth. It's very alternate universe, the only similarities being is that Jake is a wolf and there are vampires; and Bella is human. Other than that, very little of the ideas from Twilight are maintained in my story.
In the story, Jake goes to visit his buddy Jasper in Sparrow Grove, a town that is typically a day or two carriage ride from his home town, but in wolf form, he can run it in a couple of hours. It is this weekend in Sparrow Grove that he gets to meet Jasper's sister, Alice, and her friend, Bella.
When Jake first sees Bella, he is in love, very much like imprinting, but in my story, it's just that he finds his soul mate. However, at first she is very distant towards him. (There is a reason, but you'll have to read to find out).
It's got antics, laughs, and hangovers in the first few chapters, then the mood changes when three non-sparkly day walking vampires show up. Edward, Emmett, and Rose, are not sweet and cuddly. Far from it. They're vicious. They love to kill humans. They keep a relatively low profile, but when they find their victims, well, let's just say they're never heard from again.
Edward sees Bella, and instantly, he wants her. Then, Jake comes along, and there's a supernatural being pissing contest (okay not literally), and the vampires leave. But Edward doesn't let it go. He wants Bella, so that he can torture her and drain her.
Annnnnnnd I'm gonna have to stop right there. What? I can't give everything away! Go read it! It's on FFn and on TwiWrite! Two weeks from now there will not be a post, because I will be doing my student teaching full time. I will see every one in four weeks!
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Wolf Fic Recs